"Love Jesus, Hate Church"

"Love Jesus, Hate Church" was the title of a book I picked up from the library by Steve McCranie. The title caught my eye more than anything else, and may post some more on the book later ... in general, the book had some good points, but don't recommend as it is essentially an infomercial for his Churchbusters organization. Unless you enjoy infomercials, of course.

The central theme of McCranie's argument is that there cannot possibly be a way to "love Jesus" and also be loyal to the Church. Some of the examples were both extreme and annoying. But, while reading, what struck me was how much the author just missed the point of the fundamental question i.e., what is the Church?

Underlying seems to also be a "rebellion" against the "old" structured form of worship. We listen to K-Love almost all day, and rather naively I was initially surprised that for some Christian sects this is the primary form of worship.

The OCA has a write-up on "Contemporary Worship vs. Orthodox Worship".

But, what should be most striking to us is the pointed question - why does it seem that the more traditional form of worship seems to bring out the worst in people? On paper the Orthodox form of worship (prayers, fasting, humility, community, etc) should result in more discipline and higher enlightenment?

The OCA article also commented on this, and to repeat what the author had said, i.e.,

one of the biggest mistakes we Orthodox Christians make is thinking that by taking a non-Orthodox individual to a Liturgy, he or she will be convinced instantaneously of the fullness of Orthodoxy. Ultimately, those with no understanding of the faith ... are not in a position to fully understand the Liturgy, even though they may "enjoy" the experience.

Faith, Reason, Revelation.

All three aspects have to come together, and as a Church this is where we fail. In my life, I've lost track of the number of priests and elders who have said it's not important to understand Orthodox service. Rather than teaching, most just force into the Qurbana thinking by osmosis they will believe. This continues to be one of many reasons for the continuing exodus from our Church ...


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