Ancient Faith Radio is awesome

I've become addicted to the Ancient Faith Radio podcasts, and sent a small donation to support this incredible resource for all Orthodox Christians. Was pleasantly surprised to receive in the mail today the book "Seasons of Grace" by Donna Farley so just wanted to say THANKS!

And, if you can, please do support Ancient Faith Radio and their wonderful, definitely under-appreciated ministry.


Bobby Chacko said…
Kinda Awesome for me.

Clark Carlton got invited to a Dallas Leadership Conference in 2004. From my e-mail question I asked if he goes to OO conferences in which he has. AFR has an array of subjects; Mothering, Vestment Fashion, Southerners and I tend to rely on the music, and Pastoral Ponderings and Orthodixie.

Its good to see an Indonesian do a podcast. Though I wonder if his English podcast does a disservice to the Indonesians.
Joe V. said…
initially i wasn't too fond of this as well ... was hard to pay attention to some of the podcasts. But, with iTunes it's really easy to browse through and download those that are of interest and since that discovery it's been an invaluable resource.
Bobby Chacko said…
Your bio says your from Illinois. I don't know if your near Chicago but I will be there on the week of Oct 25th for a wedding. You don't have to say what parish your from but who knows I might see you. I know there are 6 Indian parishes btw I'm Jacobite. I'm gonna do that and as well visit Fr. Reardon and thank him for his new book.
Joe V. said…
Hi Bobby - I sent you an e-mail .. hoping I got the right e-mail address. Please let me know if you got it.

Yes, we live in Elmhurst (suburb of Chicago), and would be great to meet. In Chicago, there are 4 Malankara Orthodox churches and I believe there are 2 Jacobite Syrian Orthodox churches

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