Holy Communion in the age of HIV and H1N1
This message was sent to people who subscribed to the mailing list of Sts. Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church in Glenview, IL. Fr. Vladimir Christy is one of the Priests at this parish. Although I did not get explicit permission to post, I felt this message had to be shared with a larger audience because, as Christians, we must put our doubts and fears aside and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ ... the Eucharist is truly the Body and Blood of Christ, and once we put ourselves into that state of mind, spirit and emotion we take one step closer towards Him.
by Fr. Vladimir Christy
Holy Communion is the reason Orthodox Christians celebrate the Divine Liturgy. It is the heart of the liturgy. The remainder of each week is spent in gratitude, preparation and anticipation of again receiving the most wonderful gift of Holy Communion.
During the liturgy, we pray the Eucharistic Prayer (The Anaphora) which gives us the direct commission and command from our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ who personally instituted the sacrament of Holy Communion when He commanded us to:
“Take, eat; this is My Body which is broken for you for the forgiveness of sins.”
He then commands us to:
“Drink of this, all of you: this is My Blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
And, at the appointed time in the Liturgy when Holy Communion is distributed, we are invited:
“In the fear of God, and in faith and love, come forward.”
Why then do some people fear contracting an illness from receiving Holy Communion? We fear when we doubt His promises to us and His great love for us. Any Orthodox Christian concerned about contracting any disease through receiving Holy Communion should remember three things:
Our Lord Himself commands us to receive Holy Communion regularly when we pray for “The forgiveness of sins”.
The Orthodox Church believes and teaches that when the Holy Gifts are consecrated, they become the actual Body and Blood of Our Lord. Neither He, the hosts of angels and archangels nor all of the powers of heaven would permit anyone to contract a disease through the pure act of faith in receiving Holy Communion.
No government supported scientific study has ever hinted that any disease, including HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), the virus, which can cause AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), can be contracted through sharing “the communion cup”. HIV/AIDS is a ‘blood-born’ virus. It is too fragile to exist outside of the bloodstream. Believers should therefore not be concerned about oral transmission of HIV. Saliva in people’s mouths contains enzymes which are very effective for killing the very low amount of foreign pathogens which many enter a person’s mouth.
No outbreak of communicable diseases has ever been linked to the communion cup, and those are the diseases, which are much more easily transmissible than the fragile blood-born HIV virus
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control), a branch of the United States Government has stated that there is almost no risk of becoming infected with the HIV/AIDS virus through routine, non-intimate contacts in either the home or workplace. This includes sharing utensils, drinking cups and even the use of another’s toothbrush.
Some denominations (mostly Protestant) believe that communion ‘represents’ or ‘symbolizes Christ’s body and blood. The Orthodox Church believes when the Holy Gifts are consecrated, the bread and wine absolutely and totally become the Body and Blood of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ. It is therefore unthinkable to even consider that Our Lord would permit His Body and Blood to be a source of contamination or infection to any believer who would, ‘in faith and love come forward” to receive Holy Communion.
An interesting Observation:
If Holy Communion (by use of the ‘common cup” and the spoon) were a source of contamination, one might assume that many of our priests would therefore become infected and sick because, at the conclusion of each Divine Liturgy, the priest must consume the remainder of the Holy Gifts and yet, not one case if illness, much less contracting of HIV/AIDS or any other germ has been documented.
Therefore, given the scriptural promises of Our Lord Himself, along with the many years during which illness resulting from Holy Communion has never been observed, believer are encouraged to continue receiving Holy Communion at every Divine Liturgy for which they have prepared. Don’t let doubt or fear enter your mind or heart about anything which would create separation from the body of believers.
May God Continue to bless each and every one of you as we continue our journey of faith together.