4th Week of the Great Lent

The promise of Christianity is participation in a great, eternal Feast … but a great fast is needed in order to transform ourselves to partake. We read this even in the story of Creation – as St. Basil explained, “the first commandment Adam received” was a prohibition on eating. God told Adam he could eat freely from anywhere in the Garden (Gen. 1:29, 2:16) except the tree of knowledge for which man was not ready. But death came upon mankind because of our weakness to obey (Gen. 3:19). As Christians we must understand, believe and confess that by His death our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ truly defeated death. He shows the way to eternal life for all … as was always God’s plan from the beginning.


Schwist said…
Great to see a post again and good food for thought (no pun intended) for this Lent!
pass said…
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