Not just a burger ...

I wrote a letter to the owner of a restaurant in Chicago .. mainly for myself as I felt like doing something after reading about a decision made in very poor taste that is a great ridicule to Jesus Christ, but living in the world we have today would probably be ignored just like the persecution in Syria and Egypt.  I hope this helps even a little to anyone else who experiences the emotions I have this morning ... more and more, this world is forgetting even the basics of decency, love and kindness :(
I needed to write, not with any expectation of a change or someone in your company understanding or taking action .. in fact, would not be surprised if you are reading this with laughter and talking amongst yourselves on how great an idiot I am. 

I am an Orthodox Christian, which is best described to a non-believer as having the same roots as the Roman Catholic Church but in 1054AD (yes, that long ago!) there was the Great Schism ( and the Catholic Church pretty much is an independent Church. However, we share so much, including a very deep sacredness and love for the Holy Eucharist, which begins as bread and wine and during Liturgical Worship we believe becomes the real Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

This is difficult to explain (hence why we call it a Mystery of the Church) and really is for believers within the Church i.e., those who choose to be Baptized and join the Church. We understand that for those outside the Church, it may not make sense, or look funny .. all we are able to do is try and explain but then hope and pray that there is at least the respect by a non-believer that this is our belief, and that we act with love and kindness towards each other regardless of race, religion or gender. 

As such .. when I read the article on the WTOP Internet site (i.e., and then confirmed on your restaurant's website ( that there indeed is a Ghost burger with a "Communion wafer garnish" and "red wine reduction".. I wanted to share that it's not anger I feel, or a desire to organize a boycott of your restaurant. The emotion I felt was just deep sadness :( 

America is a country that was built on freedom and a deep belief of safe-guarding the liberty of every individual .. your restaurant's decision to honor a rock-band in this manner hurts and causes confusion to Apostolic Christians such as Catholics and Orthodox. Reading the comments on the article is further evidence that there is now a platform for further ridicule, hurt and pain. 

And, although this may not be understood by your company's leadership .. who can tell how many people (especially youth or adults who are questioning Faith) will now have a negative or mocking thought when it comes to the Eucharist. You may have shut a door, intentionally or unintentionally, of anyone ever walking into a Catholic or Orthodox parish to seek help or ask questions. We in the Church keep the door open as we read in the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37), but there are always things that block or slow someone from entering .. and your choice of this menu item really does become an example. 

Again, its with deep sadness and confusion that I write this .. and also to share that the action true followers of Christ will do is to pray - we will be praying for you, your family and all the patrons of your establishment. All the rock bands that are helped by your restaurant as well .. we pray for them and their family. This is what is taught to us by our Lord Jesus Christ - the One who was crucified on the Cross over 2000 years ago and with whom we continue to suffer as One Church that is persecuted in places like Egypt and Syria, and yes - in restaurants in Chicago. 

Lord have mercy on us all, 

Joe Varghese


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