What is Orthodoxy?

There is often a negative reaction to the word "Orthodox", which is understandable when Orthodoxy continues to be defined by those who decry that the Faith has been "infected by ecumenism". Or, by what is often seen at our church basements on Sundays. Or the many incidents of silly church politics back home in Kerala that noone can argue will please Christ.

Should these be the examples that define our Indian Orthodox Faith, and more specifically the Indian Orthodox Church in America?

I love the following phrase, that I first saw in the signature used by one of my favorite seminarians Dennis Mathai i.e.,

It isn't non-denominational - it is pre-denominational. It has believed, taught, preserved, defended and died for the Faith of the Apostles since the Day of Pentecost 2000 years ago.

It is true that through the ages and actions of the misguided, there has been much added or distorted in the name of the Church. But, as Bishop Kallistos Ware explains in his book Orthodox Way

"many traditions which the past has handed down are human and accidental — pious opinions (or worse), but not a true part of the one Tradition, the essential Christian message."

The core and essence remains unchanged and is elegantly summarized above i.e., the Faith of the Apostles. The Original Church.

I have not found a better word that captures all of these specific thoughts and emotions. There is no differentiation between true Orthodoxy and the "essential Christian message". To quote more from Bishop Ware,

True Orthodox fidelity to the past must always be a creative fidelity; for true Orthodoxy can never rest satisfied with a barren ‘theology of repetition,’ which, parrot-like, repeats accepted formulae without striving to understand what lies behind them.

These are all the thoughts that come to mind when I use the word "Orthodox". And the Orthodox Church? To borrow from one of my favorite articles,

The church is God’s “body” – we are His hands, mouth, and feet in this world. We are to be doing the things that Jesus Christ would do if He were here physically on the earth. The church is to be “Christian” – “Christ-like” and Christ-following.

Again ... there should be no difference between this belief and Orthodoxy. This is the challenge that lies ahead for all members of the Indian Orthodox Church.


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