Young Adults quitting Church

I still hold the belief and hope that the Indian Orthodox Church is for everybody, not just for our parents or those who natively speak Malayalam. But, this very often seems an uphill and at times impossible battle to get to that point where everyone feels "home" at our Church.

There was an interesting article quoted in a December post on Sam George's 'Coconut Generation' blog.

Solutions that rely on splitting a single church by age or generation seem destined for failure - mainly because people grow up. As an example, a ministry in the Willow Creek Church titled 'Axis' announced that it was closing, with the explanation that a "shift to an intergenerational church" was the current direction.

In India, a similar initiative started in the Indian Orthodox Church titled Oxygen. Although quite encouraging to see our Church elders in India recognize the issues that lead to the exodus from the Church, I wonder what'll happen to Oxygen when the "Young Generation" gets older?

At the end, there must be a common understanding and belief that brings together everyone in the Church ... otherwise, seems impossible to get that open dialog and trust that result in the feeling that the Church is for everybody. Education seems a critical ingredient, but to those who all ready have formed opinions the education will fall on deaf ears.

The simple message of Christ ... when did it get so complicated?


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