Good Friday: The Tale of Two Thieves
1. Come, ye, all tribes of this-world Hearken to wha-t transpi-res Between yond-r robbe-rs two Truly listen – and wi-tness | 2. Cross of the Lo-rd at cen-ter Like a judge un-corru-pted And like a ba-lance trus-ted Conversation – weighed in – truth |
3. Said to the Lord, one ro-bber Remember me – on tha-t day When you come in – Thy kingdom Let me see, Lord, Thy me-rcy | 4. That robber on – left ha-nd side When he heard th-is, bespa-ke thus “If this man we-re truly – king How come He’s u-p on the Cross” |
5. Thy love do I – prize m-y friend By the Cross we – are se-vered Sinless blood o-f this One – has Granted me li-fe and co-urage | 6. Don’t you see tha-t like u-s two He too is bou-nd by tho-se nails? If He can gi-ve us king-dom Come out He no-w, we tru-st Him |
7. I shall ent-er Para-dise Word of the Lo-rd is m-y key Accuse Him no-t, you a-re wrong Try not ye to – misgui-de me | 8. Crucified li-ke one o-f us Tortured much mo-re than we – two If He is king – may He – be Saved anon b-y His a-rmy |
9. On earth He ha-ngs on a-tree His fierythro-ne in hea-ven Nature, her Lo-rd, recei-veth Shudders at cru-cifi-xion | 10. Look at Him Thou – exto-lleth See those lashe-s on Hi-s back Thou glorify-eth Him – but Who will take you – at Th-y word |
11. From damnation – He se-t free Adam; by His – crown of thorns Messiah re – moved a-ll thorns None but the Lo-rd could do – that | 12. At His word the – Cruci – fied May take you to – Para – dise Can He lead you – to E – den Which you have not eve-r seen |
13. Hell is losing – by thi-s death Rule over dea-th for e-ver Thither He go-es to cru-sh hell By the thunder – of hi-s call | 14. He was perse-cuted mo-st Sour drink and sta-bbing for Him He who gets con-demned thi-s long How can I say is a – king ! |
15. Lend thine ear no-w to tha-t sound Of rocks hard bre-aking a-part Saints of old come – back to – life Believeth not, eve-n now ? | 16. Elements and cre-atures shu-dder See those rocks fa-lling a-part Unmoved are you ? – leave fal-sehood Confess and ge-t new li-fe, friend ! |
17. His glory you – may con-front If only you seek for tha-t Creatures all wit-ness fo-r Him His Passion do-es distu-rb all | 18. King, He was ca-lled, by Pilate Through His writing – on the –cross Since they call ou-t as wit-ness Tell me not th-at He i-s king |
19. Stands His Cross be-tween u-s two Abyss this you – canno-t pass Go and get thy – rightful-l place Right hand side i-s always-s thine | 20. Hell was open – by the Cro-ss Sun was darken-ed, earth trem-bled Temple curtain – torn a-part All bear witne-ss to the – Lord |
21. Earth and dese-rt and crea-tures Listen! Shouti-ng and cry-ing! Alarmed by tha-t clamou-r great Earth is shaking - to the - core | 22. Harken to tha-t shouting – friend Of those dead co-ming from – hell Look at Jesus - whom I – trust He only gives – life fo-r all |
23. That Adam ma-y recei-ve life He died; the dea-d wait fo-r Him He gives freedom – for A-dam And takes me to – Para-dise | 24. How come you sla-nder Je-sus Who died out o-f His o-wn will Lock thy mouth from – evil – talk Glorious Cross m-y so-le refuge |
25. Eden, Thy word – grante-d to That thief who con-fessed Thee – Lord Remember us – Lord th-at Day When you come, we – confe-ss Thee |