Holy Thursday

Gospel Reading: Luke 22:14-30

Qaumo of Passover and the hymn Lokh Mor Teshbuhto w-labookh eeyqoro:

Similar to other Orthodox denominations, the Indian Orthodox Church observes a "day" from sundown to sundown. Therefore, many Churches celebrate Holy Thursday service on Wednesday night (as Thursday night would be for Good Friday prayers in the observance of the Church). Also, unlike the regular Liturgy (Qurbana), a apecial hymn is sung on Holy (or Maundy) Thursday in place of the Trisagion.

Christ who by Thy Pasch freed the Pa-schal Lamb
Gladden, All of us blessed by, this Thy Pasch.

Praise to Thee, O Lord, Praise to Thy Father
Glory and honor to Thy Holy Ghost.
Grace and mercy be upon us, sinners
May this pray’r ascend, Lord un-to Thy Throne
Inside portals of Jeru-salem high
Praise to - Thee, Messi-ah, Praise - unto Thee
Lord our – refuge for- ever, BAREKMOR

This Kauma (Qaumo) of Passover is again used for the blessing of the censer, and may replace the kuklion for prayers of incense. The Kauma of Passover can also be sung during the procession of the Holy Mysteries as well.


Jake Kurian is such a great singer
Joe V. said…
Definitely! It's really cool to watch his growth in the ministry.

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