Trust the Lord, our God

Life is difficult and complicated, and it is a very humbling experience during these times of crisis or grief when one realizes how very little control man has in what happens next. Whether it is a meteor crashing the Earth, losing a loved one, getting sick ... no amount of wealth, power or position amounts to anything when you are there at that moment and realize that you are simply powerless to affect what happens next.

But, the simple message that Christ taught all of us really does work despite how difficult or complicated the circumstance. It doesn't matter if you claim you are Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant or Evangelist ... at the end, the core of the message is trust the Lord, your God.

Through that trust will come the strength to get you through the day and eventually back home with your loved ones. Through that trust comes the wisdom to understand what a waste of time questioning 'why', as it's not for us to understand. Through that trust comes the humility that although you are powerless, there will be a happy ending when all is said and done.

Today was a difficult day for us personally, and I really admired my wife throughout the day for her strength. God was never an after thought, and trust in the Lord never wavered. For those who are engaged or married, these are the times you fall in love with your spouse all over again.

If you are a parent, make sure to kiss your children as they truly are miracles and blessings from God. There is no doubt that it is hard to remember when your child bring home a bad report card or are yelling and screaming at you, but truly we are all blessed.


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