Orthodox Evangelism

This article was one I found soon after really starting to do something about this frustration I had with the Indian Orthodox Church.


This makes sense ... the best way to bring more people to Christ is to be a Christian without hesitation, doubts or questions. Forced conversion, taking advantage of human psychology and periods of dispair, creating divisions ... none of this is explained as in the Beatitudes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beatitudes).

I've always been troubled with those who insisted that by saying certain words or doing specific actions is the only way to Christ, or that only a certain number of us will go to heaven.

Definitely recommend reading the entire article, but one quick excerpt below which is what we need to apply to the Indian Orthodox Church:

"Orthodox evangelism is keeping the door of the Church open and visible. While the Holy Spirit is the one who draws the world to Himself, it is you and I who keep the doors of the Church open and who welcome all who come."


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